Router brute force authentication program
I've written a perl script to perform a brute force login to network devices. It is mainly designed for use with Cisco routers, but works with other devices as well.
I wrote it because I had a very difficult time getting Hydra to work at performing brute force attacks on Cisco routers. My program differs from other brute force login programs by checking for a failed login, rather than a successful one. I found that many times a successful login did not produce a prompt having the magic characters brute force programs look for (such as >, #, etc.). This program assumes that any text that does not match a specified failure message is good. Just unzip, untar, and use the -h option to find out how it works.
You can download a tarball of this script from:
Just type ./brute-routers -h for the help text.
Link is broken...
7:35 PM
Broken link man
Be good
9:30 PM
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